See, she has a chronic illness. Something that's a pretty touchy thing for me. I've spent my whole life around people who are chronically ill. My mother passed away earlier this summer after a nearly 35 year battle with MS. It affected every area of my life. Three of my closest friends are chronically ill. I'm not even sure how that happened, but these are the women God has placed in my life.
Gitzen has done something remarkable though. Something most people don't. She chose joy. She's been in terrible pain, but has chosen to focus on others. To LOVE, beautifully, passionately. She's reminded me to stop and smell flowers, to enjoy my sweet puppy. Her word for the year is "Praise". She considers herself blessed. She hasn't been able to even open her windows to smell fresh air, and getting out of bed very hard. Constant pain - but she remained beautiful and centered in that God is Good - All the time.
Now, her time here is drawing to a close. She's looking homeward. She's ending well. So loved, and has impacted SO MANY people with her choice.
I cry because beauty this precious is rare, and the world will lose this special light. Because of those left behind, and their pain. I cry because I know this sadness. But for Gitzen, I cry tears of happiness, knowing that she will be free of her shell that has held her. She will be whole and healed, and she will be rewarded for the way she lived.